Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Common Maladies of the Slave

Some general things that grate at a true slave:

  • “I command you to act like I'm equal to you.”.
Most people who use this line think they've found the loophole that will make a slave happy and able to comply – wrong. What you've just done is force the slave to decide between breaking the etiquette of the slave and treat you as equal, or break the etiquette of the slave and not comply with your order – you've just forced the slave to disobey.

  • “I want to make you free” / “Don't you want to be free?”
Okay. This one ranks up there with the “WTF are you thinking” moments. Yes, we've all encountered them from time to time, the ones who think it's a good idea to try and get a slave to want to be free. If we wanted that, we'd already be making those suggestions and/or wouldn't be playing as a slave.

  • “I want to treat you like a treasured pet”
Sigh. The most common sentiment among 'owners' in the gameworld. Also known as DRTD (Didn't Read The Description, pronounced Dirty). These people need to go reread the description of slave as laid out on the website. Slaves are property. They are not people, they are not lovers, the only difference between a slave and a pair of shoes or the horse you rode in on is that the slave can (usually) speak in a manner you can understand, and you aren't considered strange for having sex with it.

  • Puppy Dog Syndrome (PDS)
PDS is defined by the characteristics of players (especially new players) to 'imprint' on one particular person and become quite insistent on RP'ing with that person every single time they get online. Believe me when I say it gets -very- annoying after a while.

  • “Can you make another character for me to collar?”
This one can go either way. More often than not, however, the player of a slave doesn't really want to create a new character just for the purpose of being collared by someone they've only met/RP'd with a couple of times. This is one of those things that gets varied responses/annoyance levels based on how good your relationship with one another is on an OOC level. If in doubt, it's best not to ask. (Thanks to gwyneth for suggesting this one)

  • “I dont RP with other people's slaves”
Now, I can only speak from personal experience here (though gwyneth has said similarly). This one is an annoyance. I did not create a slave character for a one-on-one RP career, and Master recognizes that fact. If You're interested in whether a slave is available to be played with/raped, ASK IN PM. A slave is required to inform Anyone who asks what possible repercussions may come from Your actions. (Thanks to gwyneth for suggesting this one too!)

  • Frenetic New Guy (FNG)
This is the phase of a new player's career in which they're trying to do everything at once. FNG's aren't listening to correction, if they are admonished for an action they will forget it after 30 minutes, they often believe that they are the only one that matters. It is my belief that FNG's do eventually settle out of this phase, usually after enough smacks on the head. That, or they're removed from the game before they reach this point.

This list is very likely to expand... leave comments if Y/you have suggestions!

Masters and Mastery

I have thought long and hard about how to present this entry. This entry would not be possible without the lesson offered by Infernis Sir, and the majority of this post is based on the concepts laid out by Him, with His permission. I thank Infernis for His assistance!

(PS: I apologize for the -length- of this entry, but it is worth it, I swear!)

The Four Elements Of Mastery
Mastery, in this context, is differentiated from Ownership. Being an Owner is defined by Imperial Law as possessing living property as recognized by the Imperial Slave Authority as a slave. The concept of Mastery extends beyond a simple signed piece of paper, a collar around the neck.

The Master, it is contended, may be defined by a proper balance of the Four Elements. Perhaps a philosophical theory - but one would contend that Mastery is, itself, a philosophy. Below, I shall describe each of the Elements, and how each of three stages of that Element - too little, balanced, and too much - reflect in an Owner's ability to be a Master.

  • Element One - Confidence
Confidence, specifically in oneself, is the first of the Elements. Confidence also draws in the concept of consistency. If You find yourself wavering in Your decision making, if You find yourself having different responses to the same situation, your Confidence may need examination.

Low Confidence - The Waffler
The Waffler doesn't know what he or she wants. Easily swayed by other's opinions and even unsure of their own desires, the Waffler does not make good Master material. slaves belonging to a Waffler will often find themselves left to fend for themselves.

Balanced Confidence - The Confident
The Confident knows what he or she wants - but acknowledges that he or she is not ALWAYS right. The Confident's responses can usually be predictable, and their slave can rely on their support and strength of self to bolster the slave's own.

High Confidence - The Egotist
The Egotist believes themselves to be infallible. This can lead to problems when others' - or even the Law's -  belief differs from the Egotist's. The Egotist's slave can expect to come second in everything - even when it comes to issues directly involving them.

  • Element Two - Wisdom
Wisdom, in this case, does not come from books and study - observation, willingness to listen, even to one's property. The slave will be the first in most cases to notice a Master's mistake - and if she is taught well, she will say so in a way such as to not embarrass the Master.

Low Wisdom - Bull-Headed
The Bull-Headed will not accept external input from their actions, expecting instead the world to fit their outlook. The slave of the Bull-Headed will often be ignored, even to the point that they feel the need to seek others to share their thoughts with.

Balanced Wisdom - Wise
The Wise Master understands that the nature of a Master/slave relationship is one that travels in both directions - his orders will be followed, but he learns what his slave needs, from their actions and words. He listens to others, their reactions informing him how they view his property - whether for pride or punishment.

High Wisdom - Mobber
The Mobber shares many qualities with the Waffler - others opinions weigh heavily in their decisions, and it could be said that the slave is in fact in control (known as Topping From The Bottom). Public opinion matters heavily to the Mobber.
  • Element Three - Self Control
The Golden Rule of Self-Control: You Cannot Master Another Until You Master Yourself.
If You as a Master cannot control your own emotions, your own doubts, your own inhibitions and jealousies, You simply cannot expect to be able to control another's. So many clues and indications exist to tip off others that one lacks self control that it is easy to create fear or resentment in a slave.

Low Self-Control: Explosive
The Explosive is liable to fly into a rage at the drop of a hat, leaving their slave wondering when the next verbal or physical assault will befall them when they leave a saucer out of place or fail to properly genuflect before their Master's entrance. A dangerous type of Master, indeed.

Balanced Self-Control: Calm
The Calm Master Controls their emotional state of being. When the need arises, they unleash their emotions in a proportional measure. But likewise, they are able to dismiss the trivial and unimportant, saving their energy for more important things.

High Self-Control: Stoic
Getting emotion from a Stoic Master is like blood from a stone - you can really expect nothing. Masters of this type breed Rebellious slaves - their inability to produce the proper emotion is taken up by the slave, which can only end poorly for both.
  • Element Four - Determination
Determination is defined in this context as one's ability to stick to their own rules and goals - and to continue to pursue them, even if applying discipline should hurt. There will, inevitably, come a time when the Mastery of a slave requires punishing them. A good Master accepts this fact, and applies what is necessary to ensure the slave is properly corrected.

Low Determination: Quitter
The Quitter will try something once, often halfheartedly, and when it doesn't turn out the way they had hoped for whatever reason, gives up on it. A Quitter, quite obviously, does not make a good slave Master, unless they are very friendly with the ISA and have a constant stream of new slaves.

Balanced Determination: Focused
The Focused has the persistence to see a goal through to the end, while remaining flexible enough to allow for differences in others' abilities and habits. They are strong enough to complete what they start out to accomplish, regardless of what it is.

High Determination: Obsessed
The Obsessed is focused only on completing their goal. Nothing else matters. As stated earlier, this goes against the nature of a Master/slave ownership in that it focuses purely in one direction. This type of Master is most likely not to care about their slave's wants or goals, which makes the experience undesirable.

  • The Fifth Element
"What??? you said there were only four!". Yes, I did. But there IS a fifth element. This element is not measured on a scale, as the others are - You either possess it, or you do not. The Fifth Element defies a one-word name. It is the spark within the individual (character or player) that determines whether that person can be a Master (or a slave - this spark applies equally!). Being a Master is not something that can be forced, not something done casually - you either are, or you aren't. Those that lack the Fifth Element will find their experiences lacking of enjoyment, which bleeds through into all the other Elements.

Evaluating oneself for these elements can be tricky - and something best done in collaboration with others. (And if you're being Wise, the slave is probably the best one to look to!) - No Master is perfect. Achieving Mastery is a process, and once it's achieved, it is a constant effort to maintain it. The rewards, for both you and your property, are well worth it.

Types of Slaves

People have often asked me 'what makes a slave?'. Well, there are in my mind, several types of slave. Allow me to elaborate...

  • The Debt Slave. The debt slave is only wearing a collar to work off their debt. their level of compliance can vary greatly, and when not actively working on their duty they tend to act more like a free person (which they almost universally are).
  • The Rebellious Slave. The character in question does not want to be a slave. No way no how. Unfortunately the collar locked around their neck marks them as such. These slaves are very highly likely to act up, and may cause trouble for their owners if not handled strictly. Caution should be taken when selecting a slave of this type.
  • The Unwilling Slave. Originally this type was blended into the Rebellious Slave type, but there is a difference. Unwilling slaves, while they may begin as Rebellious slaves, settle down into their servitude. Unwilling slaves don't like their station in life, but they've accepted that they are not going to be released from it anytime soon.
  • The Pet Slave/The Lover. Perhaps the most confusing of the slave types, The Pet Slave is a slave in name only, or else a slave only in the bedroom. We all know them, and lots are comfortable in this role. The vast majority of slaves in this type are content in their place, and do so willingly. This category has been greatly diminished by the introduction of the Concubine system.
  • The True Slave. The True Slave is a slave through-and-through. They are mostly/completely subservient. Often they extend this subservience to those beyond their owners; recognizing that the position of a slave in Belariath is that of property and nothing more. This type of slave is most likely to actively seek an owner if they ever become disowned, having no desire to be a Free Person. (this slave considers herself a true slave)
  • The Common (Inn) Slave. By and large, Inn Slaves are True Slaves, and thus this 'type' is more of a special-case. Inn Slaves are owned by the Inn as staff, and serve all who enter their workplace. They are usually selected for their subservience, and so they have little in the way of rebelliousness. Note that Debt Slaves to the Inn do not fall into this category.
  • Tu'turadil. Another special class of slave, the Tu'turadil are slaves selected for this high honor because they set an excellent example for other slaves, and are often used to assist owners in instructing new slaves. They exemplify everything that a slave should be. This slave tries her best to behave to the Tu'turadil's standards.
It's worth mentioning at this point that there are as many types of Owners as there are slaves. I will for the moment avoid enumerating them, as I have not comprised a complete list.

Also, a slave can very quickly transition from one type to another, depending on their behavior, owner, and other considerations.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


The Diary of a Slave is a small blog that was created for the purpose of writing down what it is that one slave thinks about the world of Belariath, it's occupants, and it's behaviors.

This blog is made by a player, and does not necessarily reflect the thoughts of the owners or controllers of Belariath, or of slaves as a whole. People are individuals.

For those of you who don't know what's being talked about when using the word 'Belariath', now would probably be a good time to start reading the Belariath/The Lonely Inn website instead, because it will make a lot more sense.

This version of the blog is a reboot, because blogspot changed hands several times and I cannot reclaim the old account due to yahoo expiring the old throwaway email i used to create it. I will copy the posts across from the old blog for posterity, with slight modifications due to changes in my life.

A few guidelines about this blog:

  • 'I' will refer to me, the player of the character. My views do not necessarily reflect those of the character. (It is a roleplaying world. If you cannot separate fantasy from reality, stop playing this game, stop reading this blog, and seek professional help.)
  • 'this slave' refers to the character (IE: An In-Character comment. I will try and differentiate between them visually somehow...)
  • 'Owners' refers to non-slave characters as a whole. It's not designed to be a direct reflection on any one person.
  • 'Master' refers to Ray`el, who owns this slave.
  • (this list might expand... if you see something that you don't recognize, leave a comment for me and I will try and add it.)
Commonly used words/acronymns:
  • 'Belariath' : For those of you who don't pay attention, Belariath is the world in which the characters live.
  • 'Nanthalion': Fewer people know this one, but Nanthalion is the primary town/city used for RP in Belariath.
  • 'TLI' : The Lonely Inn, which can alternately refer to the game as a whole, or to the building within the town of Nanthalion.
  • 'ISA': If you don't recognize this acronym you probably haven't been playing long enough for this blog to be of any use to you. The Imperial Slave Authority governs collaring and decollaring of slaves, as well as ensuring the (minimal) safety of the slave against abuse.
  • (likewise, this list may expand in time)