Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Common Maladies of the Slave

Some general things that grate at a true slave:

  • “I command you to act like I'm equal to you.”.
Most people who use this line think they've found the loophole that will make a slave happy and able to comply – wrong. What you've just done is force the slave to decide between breaking the etiquette of the slave and treat you as equal, or break the etiquette of the slave and not comply with your order – you've just forced the slave to disobey.

  • “I want to make you free” / “Don't you want to be free?”
Okay. This one ranks up there with the “WTF are you thinking” moments. Yes, we've all encountered them from time to time, the ones who think it's a good idea to try and get a slave to want to be free. If we wanted that, we'd already be making those suggestions and/or wouldn't be playing as a slave.

  • “I want to treat you like a treasured pet”
Sigh. The most common sentiment among 'owners' in the gameworld. Also known as DRTD (Didn't Read The Description, pronounced Dirty). These people need to go reread the description of slave as laid out on the website. Slaves are property. They are not people, they are not lovers, the only difference between a slave and a pair of shoes or the horse you rode in on is that the slave can (usually) speak in a manner you can understand, and you aren't considered strange for having sex with it.

  • Puppy Dog Syndrome (PDS)
PDS is defined by the characteristics of players (especially new players) to 'imprint' on one particular person and become quite insistent on RP'ing with that person every single time they get online. Believe me when I say it gets -very- annoying after a while.

  • “Can you make another character for me to collar?”
This one can go either way. More often than not, however, the player of a slave doesn't really want to create a new character just for the purpose of being collared by someone they've only met/RP'd with a couple of times. This is one of those things that gets varied responses/annoyance levels based on how good your relationship with one another is on an OOC level. If in doubt, it's best not to ask. (Thanks to gwyneth for suggesting this one)

  • “I dont RP with other people's slaves”
Now, I can only speak from personal experience here (though gwyneth has said similarly). This one is an annoyance. I did not create a slave character for a one-on-one RP career, and Master recognizes that fact. If You're interested in whether a slave is available to be played with/raped, ASK IN PM. A slave is required to inform Anyone who asks what possible repercussions may come from Your actions. (Thanks to gwyneth for suggesting this one too!)

  • Frenetic New Guy (FNG)
This is the phase of a new player's career in which they're trying to do everything at once. FNG's aren't listening to correction, if they are admonished for an action they will forget it after 30 minutes, they often believe that they are the only one that matters. It is my belief that FNG's do eventually settle out of this phase, usually after enough smacks on the head. That, or they're removed from the game before they reach this point.

This list is very likely to expand... leave comments if Y/you have suggestions!

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